We recently received a call from a homeowner who was questioning if it was time for a new roof.   Strong winds had left shingles all over his yard and he was now experiencing some water stains inside the home which would indicate leaking.

So what was so unusual about this call?  After all, we are a roofing company and we replace roofs nearly every day.  The reason this particular call caught our attention, was that the roof, according to the homeowner, was only ten years old and the shingles purchased and used were expected to last 40 years.

Upon closer inspection by our expert roofing technicians, it was discovered that the shingles were not installed properly to begin with.  To make matters worse, shingles which were not fastened in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions voided the manufacturer's warranty -- the manufacturer will not be liable if the shingles are not installed properly to begin with.

This isn't the first call we've had from a homeowner who had "a family member or friend" install their shingles in order to save some money -- only to end up with leaking issues -- which then required costly repairs -- or worse -- a full roof replacement well before its expected life span.

When it comes to installing new shingles properly, here are a few things you can count on when it comes to our expert roofing technicians at Precision Roofing Services:

  • Shingles should be applied in straight lines -- shingles need to overlap in such a way that they seal properly.
  • Placement -- The "reveal" of the shingle is important and if it's not lined up properly, because shingles expand and contract, gaps will occur where water can come through.
  • Nail placement -- if not nailed in the proper place, shingles will become loose and blow off easily, letting water in.

Thanks to the internet, there are loads of how-to articles and videos when it comes to applying shingles yourself or saving a few bucks and hiring an amateur.  But at the end of the day, the savings may not be worth it. Any mistakes made could easily lead to leaks and costly repairs.  More importantly, climbing up on a roof can be dangerous and without the proper safety equipment, falling and injury can happen easily, no matter how careful you are.

Rather than take the risks only to save a few hundred dollars, hire a professional, licensed and insured roofer to do the job and put your mind at ease that the job will be done the right way, and your roof will last as long as it's meant to.  

Give Precision Roofing Services a call and let us provide you with a free quote today -- 1-855-550-2697.

When It Comes To Roofing  Cutting Corners To Save Money May Cost You More - Image 1